IPMP3.0, Oregon State University, Copyright 2000

Olive Green Cutworm



Registered Insecticides


[Insect Management]


Link to large image (129K) of olive green cutworm larva Link to large image (131K) of olive green cutworm adult
Olive Green Cutworm Larva Olive Green Cutworm Adult
Link to large image (125K) of olive green cutworm eggs Mature larvae are about 30 to 35 mm long. The head is reddish-brown. The body varies in color from pale green to blackish olive green with alternating lateral stripes of black, white and yellow.  The under- side of the body is brownish-green. Spiracles are white. Olive green cutworm larvae may be mistaken for western yellowstriped armyworm larvae. Adults have a wing span of about 40 mm and are variously marked with lighter lines.  Olive green cutworm overwinteras as a partially mature larva.  The life cycle of the olive green cutworm is similar to the variegated cutworm, and both pests may occur in the same field at the same time during early July and August. This cutworm is most common West of the Cascade Mountains.

Olive Green Cutworm Eggs


This section contains information on identification of olive green cutworm in peppermint.   Olive green cutworm, spotted cutworm, and variegated cutworm often occur in the same field at the same time.  See variegated cutworm for information on sampling for spotted cutworm.