IPMP3.0, Oregon State University, Copyright 2000

False Celery Leaftier



Registered Insecticides


[Insect Management]


Link to large image (122K) of false celery leaftier larva Link to large image (149K) of false celery leaftier adult
False Celery Leaftier Larva False Celery Leaftier Adult
Link to large image (118K) of false celery leaftier pupa The false celery leaftier overwinters as a pupa in plant debris.  First generation adults emerge in the spring and lay eggs on the leaves. Eggs hatch in 7 to 10 days and larvae feed on the leaves for 2 to 3 weeks. Larvae do not drop to the soil and enter rhizomes as do the mint root borer.  Mature larvae roll edges of leaves together to pupate. There are three generations each year. This insect is not a serious pest on mint.

False Celery Leaftier Pupa


This section contains information on identification of the false celery leaftier in peppermint.   Adults of this insect closely resemble adults of the mint root borer.  However, larvae of false celery leaftier feed only on mint leaves and do not bore in mint rhizomes. Adults of orange mint moth also may be present in mint fields at the same time as adults of mint root borer and false celery leaftier.