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Redbacked Cutworm Flight



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[Redbacked Cutworm]

[Insect Management]


Redbacked Cutworm: Flight Period and Egg Development Under Field Conditionst

Ralph E. Berry
Department of Entomology, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Oregon 97331

© 1975 Entomological Society of America
Environ. Entomol.  4: 603-605


Flight activity of Euxoa ochrogster (Guenee) was monitored with BL traps for 2 years in Jefferson County, Oregon. Stages of egg development were determined from a random sample of females collected in the traps during the same period. Flight activity started in mid-June and ceased in Mid-September, a period of 13-14 weeks with a peak near the end of July or early August. Weekly dissection of females from trap collections showed little or no egg development prior to early August, 4-5 weeks after the adult activity began. However, eggs were present in the ovarioles during August and early September, which is probably closely correlated with oviposition.