GRASS Data Files available via GRASSLinks at this Site:
Projects: Name / Description: |
GRASS Location | GRASSLinks Project Code |
Pacific Northwest Land Use and Ecoregions | nw_nl | a |
Degree-day maps for Oregon | OR_ll | d |
B. A. Croft's Apple Mite Survey Database | nw_nl | e |
Degree-day Calculator: W. US | nw_nl | l |
Degree-day Calculator Map Interface for Oregon | OR_ll | m |
Degree-day Calculator: NW States | nw_nl | n |
Degree-day Calculator: Oregon | nw_nl | o |
Degree-day Calculator: Washington | nw_nl | p |
Degree-day Calculator: Idaho | nw_nl | q |
Degree-day Calculator: Montana | nw_nl | r |
Degree-day Calculator: Wyoming | nw_nl | s |
Degree-day Calculator: Mid-Columbia OR | nw_nl | t |
Degree-day Calculator: Medford OR | nw_nl | u |
Cutworm Monitoring: MT, ID, WY | nw_nl | w |
Spearfish GRASS example dataset | spearfish | x |
Global GRASS example dataset | global | y |
RASTER FILES: Name / Description: Click filename to view thumbnail |
Metadata Available? | GRASSLinks Project(s): |
1000m Forest Cover from LULC |
N | enopqrsw |
200m Forest Cover from AVHRR |
Y | enopqrsw |
30sec elevation DEM |
N | aenopqrsw |
4-digit hydrologic unit areas 4-digit hydrologic unit areas 1k resol: Source CAGSR-BRC/TAES |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
4K resol. Elevation |
Y | dm |
500m resol. Elevation Gtopo30 |
Y | dm |
8-digit hydrologic unit areas 8-digit hydrologic unit areas 200m resol: Source CAGSR-BRC/TAES |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Apr Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Apr precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Army Cutworm deviation from normal DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (45F threshold) |
Y | rw |
Army cutworm degree-day risk rating |
Y | w |
Army cutworm larval density risk rating |
Y | w |
Army cutworm larval size risk rating |
Y | w |
Army cutworm moisture risk rating |
Y | w |
Army cutworm moth density risk rating |
Y | w |
Aug Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Aug precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Avg annual Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Avg daily max temperatures in July (x10) |
Y | dm |
Base 32 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 32 deviation from normal DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (32F threshold) |
Y | n |
Base 34 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 38 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 41 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 41 deviation from normal DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (41F threshold) |
Y | s |
Base 42 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 44 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 46 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 48 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 50 DDs |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Base 50 deviation from normal DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (50F threshold) |
Y | s |
Combined risk index for army cutworm |
Y | w |
Combined risk index for pale western cutworm |
Y | w |
Crops and Pasture Lands |
Y | dm |
Curr. yr DDs to date 32 low threshold (x10) |
Y | dm |
Curr. yr DDs to date 50 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 33 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 35 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 37 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 39 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 41 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 43 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 45 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 47 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 49 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
DDs 51 low thresh. (x10) |
Y | dm |
Dec Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Dec precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Dev. DDs to date 50 low threshold (x10) |
Y | dm |
Elevation (30m res.) Elev. from USGS |
Y | t |
Elevation 100m Elevation (DEM) at 100m resol: Source USGS |
Y | aenopqrstu |
Elevation 1k Elevation (DEM) at 1km resol: Source USGS |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Elevation DEM |
Y | x |
Feb Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Feb precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Hist. DDs to date 32 low threshold (x10) |
Y | dm |
Hist. DDs to date 50 low threshold (x10) |
Y | dm |
Interpolated pale western cutworm trap densities |
Y | w |
Jan Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Jan precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Jul Min Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Jun Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Jun precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Land Use USGS |
Y | aenopqrsw |
Landuse |
Y | x |
Level IV Ecoregions - OR, WA, ID from EPA |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Major Land Resource Areas Major Land Resource Areas 1k resol: Source CAGSR-BRC/TAES |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Mar Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Mar precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
May Min Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
National Land Cover Data (30m) From USGS |
Y | aenopqrstu |
Nations |
Y | y |
Nations 2 |
Y | y |
Nov Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Nov precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Oct Min Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Orchards Land Use |
Y | dm |
Orchards and Vineyards |
N | a |
Pale western cutworm DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (50F threshold) |
Y | rw |
Pale western cutworm deviation from normal DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (50F threshold) |
Y | rw |
Pale western cutworm larval size risk rating |
Y | w |
Pale western cutworm moisture risk rating |
Y | w |
Pale western cutworm moth density risk rating |
Y | w |
Pale western cutworm normal (average) DDs Jan. 1 - yesterday (50F threshold) |
Y | rw |
SW OR Shaded relief Derived from elevation at 100m |
Y | aenopqrstu |
Sep Max Temperatures |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Sep precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
Shaded Relief 100m Shaded relief (from DEM) at 100m resol: Source USGS |
Y | aenopqrstu |
Shaded relief based on 30sec elevation |
N | aenopqrsw |
Soil Class |
Y | y |
Soil Texture |
Y | y |
Soils |
Y | x |
Soils PH |
Y | x |
Spot Image |
Y | x |
States |
Y | enopqrsw |
Vegetation 1 degree res. |
Y | y |
Vegetation Cover |
Y | y |
Yearly Precipitation |
Y | aenopqrstuw |
hi-res (30m) Land Use Will. Valley OR |
Y | ano |
VECTOR FILES: Name / Description Click filename to view thumbnail |
Metadata Available? | GRASSLinks Project(s): |
8-Dig hydro unit areas |
Y | ademw |
County lines |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Crop and pasture |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Fields |
N | x |
Highways |
N | dm |
L. III Ecoregions - USA |
N | aenopqrstuw |
L. IV Ecoregions - MT |
N | aenrw |
L. IV Ecoregions - NV draft |
N | aenopqrs |
L. IV Ecoregions - OR, WA, ID |
N | aenopqrstuw |
L. IV Ecoregions - UT |
N | aenw |
Major Land Resource Areas |
Y | ademnopqrstuw |
Major Roads - ID |
N | qw |
Major Roads - ID MT WY |
N | w |
Major Roads - MT |
N | rw |
Major Roads - OR |
N | o |
Major Roads - WA |
N | p |
Major Roads - WY |
N | sw |
Major roads |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Nations |
N | y |
Orchards & vineyards |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Railroads |
N | dm |
Rails |
N | x |
Rangelands |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Roads |
N | x |
STATSGO soils |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Soils |
N | x |
State lines |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Urban boundaries |
N | dm |
Water bodies |
N | aenopqrstuw |
Water except streams & rivers |
N | dm |
streams |
N | x |
SITES FILES: Name / Description Click filename to view thumbnail |
Metadata Available? | GRASSLinks Project(s): |
1971-2000 historical average data - degree-day calculator |
Y | daenopqrstu |
Apple mites database |
Y | ae |
Army cutworm degree-days |
N | w |
Army cutworm larval density |
N | w |
Army cutworm larval size |
N | w |
Army cutworm moisture |
N | w |
Army cutworm moth counts |
N | w |
Army cutworm summary risk |
Y | w |
Avg. DDs to date at wea. stations- 41 base (x10) |
N | dm |
Avg. Weather station file |
N | rq |
Curr. DDs to date at wea. stations- 32 base (x10) |
N | dm |
Curr. DDs to date at wea. stations- 41 base (x10) |
N | dm |
Current weather data - degree-day calculator |
Y | daenopqrstu |
Current weather station names |
N | dm |
Cutworm degree-day risk |
Y | w |
Cutworm larval risk |
Y | w |
Cutworm monitoring sites |
N | w |
Cutworm moth count risk model |
Y | w |
Cutworm risk summary |
N | w |
Cutworm weather risk |
Y | w |
DDs 41 base (x10) |
N | dm |
Degree-day model |
Y | daenopqrstu |
ID place names |
N | qw |
Larval density risk |
Y | w |
MT place names |
N | rw |
NW city & town names |
N | daenopqrstu |
NW place names |
N | aenotu |
OR Current weather station file names |
N | nopqrstu |
OR place names |
N | aenotu |
Palewest cutworm degree-days |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm larval density |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm larval size |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm moisture |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm moth counts |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm risk summary |
N | w |
Palewest cutworm summary risk model |
Y | w |
Site labels for apple mites database |
N | e |
WA place names |
N | p |
WY place names |
N | sw |
Weather station file |
N | rq |
archeological sites |
N | x |
bug sample sites |
N | x |
Disclaimer: Use of GRASSLinks and the data accessed by it is provided as-is without any guarantees of quality, completeness, currentness, or performance. For more information, see the GRASSLinks (c) Copyright and Disclaimer.