Ia. Purpose
Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD; Drosophila suzukii), arrived in Oregon in 2009, and now has established a stronghold in the Western and Eastern United States (>30 states), Canada and Mexico, and is widespread in many of the European countries. SWD trap catch were higher much sooner in Spring 2012 and 2013 season compared to the previous two years, perhaps reflecting mild winters. Fruit quality was reduced in 2012 along with increased economic losses (measured by increased sprays, reduction in grade, added labor for monitoring, etc.). The lack of adequate knowledge about SWD has triggered numerous applications of insecticide treatments; and chemical use has become the lead management practice. Growers and pest consultants are very concerned that they do not have a comprehensive management plan in place to reduce crop losses by SWD, as it is a new pest with many unknowns. Therefore, the coordination of accurate and timely information is critical to growers and researchers. The OSU-IPPC-Western Specialty Crop IPM*PIPE project is helping integrate SWD biology, behavior and relative abundance to predict SWD's seasonal activity; record presence of SWD in diverse and fragmented agricultural landscapes (urban, natural, wildland, rural, and agricultural); and utilize degree-day (DD) modeling and mapping to identify SWD risk areas, predict SWD events and activity, understand SWD behavior, and ultimately understand SWD and ultimately reduce unnecessary insecticide applications.