Fri Aug 4 14:23:47 1989 Major World Ecosystem Complexes Ranked by Carbon in Vegetation lozar lozar cell NOAA/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc, The CDIC Numeric Data Collection generated by Src/import.rle/import.rle The global ecology map shows the spatial distriution of major world ecosystem complexes estimated for 1980. However, because some information sources documented are older, some of this information may not be current. ... Only the mass of green plants is considered here, since the amount of animal biomass are small in comparison. The mass of fungi and bacteria is not necessarily negligible, but evaluating it was beyond the scope of the 1983 report. References: 1. Olson, J.S. 1982. Earth's Vegetation and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, pp.388-398. In W.C. Clark (ed.), Carbon Dioxide Review: 1982. Oxford University Press, New York. 2. Olson, J.S., Watts, J.A., Allison, L.J. 1983. Carbon in Live Vegetation of Major World Ecosystems, ORNL-5862, Environ- mental Sciences Division Pub No. 1997, Oak Ridge National Lab., Oak Ridge, TN Processing to GRASS format by R. Lozar at Construction Eng. Research Lab, Champaign, IL